Vibe Crew

 Discord Hangout Servers / by Lora Savinski / 766 views

Come vibe with us!

You have received an invite to stay at Vibe Crew! What are you waiting for? Who knows, you might just make some new friends along your journey. We’ll gladly welcome you to our server! Here’s what we provide:

? A friendly community! 
?Tons of bots to play with! 
? Self-roles and role-rewards! 
? Giveaways, polls & and a cool blog! 
?‍♂️ Our staff team is waiting for you! 

Take your invite and head on over. I doubt you’ll regret it.

Here’s a testimonial from one of our valued staff~

Vibe Crew is one of my favorite servers. To put it simply, I feel like I’m welcomed and always included in conversations, an aspect that I rarely find in Discord servers. You may think, She must be biased, she’s staff there after all! And I do admit, this server and it’s amazing community has definitely made a lasting impression on me. But I was once a newbie there too, I was invited by a friend’s friend to his brand new server with barely 40 people. Over the span of 3 months, I have gotten to know each and every one of the server’s members, and recently became a staff member myself. If you are hesitant to join, feel free to pop in and say hi! (I’m 99.9% sure that you’ll never want to leave! ?) Also, if my testimonial was something that made you want to join, it’d be very appreciated if you tell me when you join, no, I don’t get rewarded in any way for my testimonial, but it’d make me happy to know that my testimonial made a difference. 



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