Social Justice Roleplay

 Discord Gaming Servers / by Tosin Tosina / 371 views

Sick of power tripping servers? Sick of admins never taking your suggestions? Well SoCal Justice is anything but that!

SoCal Justice RP is the newest advanced QB-Core server! Currently in Beta but with tons for features based as a community / crime vs police with car culture and much more! We are currently looking for more members, beta members will get HUGE rewards, insensitives, and much more during beta and day of launch!!



200+ custom cars!!

Black market for all your criminal needs!

New jobs!

Advanced police system and training with fantastic pay!


Tons of custom interiors !

Much much more to come!

We are currently looking to fill lots of positions on the server! That means if you become head of a department or organization, you choose how to run things!

-Hop in our discord and check things out!-
See y’all soon

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