Discord Gaming Servers / by Levi Griffiths / 409 views

City Life Roleplay

Welcome to City Life RP, We are an adult run brand new British themed Qbcore 18+ server with an excellent and experienced staff team. Our team has taken time, effort and finances to build our server and we ready to offer you a home.

What we offer:

🕵️– Whitelisted server, but don’t worry no 3000 word application required.

🚘 – Over £2000 spent on custom cars that you can buy with in game cash from PDM. (Itzahmed, PREZMO, Toupper’s creations and many more.)

🚔 – BEAR Official custom built Police cars.

🏠 – Custom homes and MLO’s in game.

💊 – Custom Drug scripts not seen before in a UK server, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, Shrooms and Oxy Runs.

 – Black market never seen before in a UK server.

👷 – Advanced custom Jobs and player owned business.

💻– Dispatch and MDT.

🔫– Custom Rainmad shop robberies and heists.

🚨 – And much much more….

Join today!!

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