
Original Gamesters

Original Gamesters

<p>:DynoDisco: **ORIGINAL GAMESTERS**:DynoDisco:</p>
<p>We are kinda like the cool kids table for adults who were not invited to the cool kid's table. We consider each other friends and use the community to hang out and talk while having fun with the games and events that are going on constantly.</p>
<p>:sparkles:EPIC RPG (*ACTIVE* Guilds and _your own spam channel!_)</p>
<p>:sparkles:Nitro Giveaways and *other giveaways for winners of games and events!*</p>
<p>:sparkles:**Cards Against Humanity Nights**</p>
<p>:sparkles:_Weekly interactive Podcast_</p>
<p>:sparkles:DJ nights with *three different groovy bots* (just in case you want something different)</p>
<p>:sparkles: **Premium GamesRob** with checkers, uno, mafia, trivia, hangman and more!</p>
<p>:sparkles:Text Games (3 word Story, Corrupt A Wish, 20 Questions)</p>
<p>:sparkles:Poketwo (Accepting all bot game requests!)</p>
<p>:sparkles:Emojis (Accepting emoji requests from all active members!)</p>



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